Oscars Wiki
Richard Hymns
Hymns at the 86th Academy Awards Nominee Luncheon
9 Nominations / 3 Wins
Role Sound Editor
Born July 18, 1947

Richard Hymns has worked with directors Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, Robert Redford, David Lynch, Brad Bird, David Fincher, James Cameron, Tim Burton, Ron Howard, Roman Polanski, Alan Parker, Ang Lee, Adrian Lyne, and many others.


62nd Academy Awards, 1989
Best Sound Effects EditingIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade (shared with Ben Burtt)
66th Academy Awards, 1993
Best Sound Effects EditingJurassic Park (shared with Gary Rydstrom)
71st Academy Awards, 1998
Best Sound Effects EditingSaving Private Ryan (shared with Gary Rydstrom)


61st Academy Awards, 1988
Best Sound Effects EditingWillow (shared with Ben Burtt)
62nd Academy Awards, 1989
Best Sound Effects EditingIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade (shared with Ben Burtt)
64th Academy Awards, 1991
Best Sound Effects EditingBackdraft (shared with Gary Rydstrom)
66th Academy Awards, 1993
Best Sound Effects EditingJurassic Park (shared with Gary Rydstrom)
71st Academy Awards, 1998
Best Sound Effects EditingSaving Private Ryan (shared with Gary Rydstrom)
72nd Academy Awards, 1999
Best Sound Effects EditingFight Club (shared with Ren Klyce)
75th Academy Awards, 2002
Best Sound EditingMinority Report (shared with Gary Rydstrom)
84th Academy Awards, 2011
Best Sound EditingWar Horse (shared with Gary Rydstrom)
86th Academy Awards, 2013
Best Sound EditingAll is Lost (shared with Steve Boeddeke)
